In June of 2015, we acquired a Polaris RZR 900 Trail.  With the guidance of Kathy’s brother Jerry and some well meaning folks of the Magic Valley ATV Riders club, we have been place and seen things we never dreamed of seeing.  Below is a compilation of videos and stills of our adventures.

To view in full screen of the video, click the four arrows to the right of the “HD” on the bottom right side of the video screen.  The “Esc” key will bring you back to a normal screen.  When you have finished viewing the videos you can close that tab/window and be brought back to this page.
Click here to view videos of our rides.

Below are links to still of our ride.  After you go to the gallery of that ride, to read a description about the image, click on image and then the circle with an “i” in it at the bottom of the image.  Clicking the “X” in the upper right corner will take you back to the previous view.

Trout Creek – June 2017